Formal Club Riding Activities
Updated 24th July 2020 to reflect latest British Cycling guidance allowing 2 abreast riding.
To reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19, all members intending to participate on a club ride must read and follow the guidelines below:
Members should only participate in a club ride if they are fit and well and will adhere to latest NHS / Government guidelines to stay at home if they, or someone they live with, have any of the following symptoms:
a high temperature
a new continuous cough
a loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste.
If members have any of the symptoms above, they must stay at home and arrange to have a test to see if they have COVID-19. Refer to Gov.UK website for latest guidance.
Whilst attending a club ride, members should aim to ensure Social Distancing requirements are maintained at 2m minimum unless riding 2 abreast when 1m+ mitigations are permitted.
Everyone should ensure they avoid touching their face unless they have clean hands.
Participants should carry their own hand sanitiser and any other kit they may require during a ride - unless it is a safety matter, NO items should be shared by participants unless they are from the same household or bubble.
In accordance with WHO guidance, we do not recommend participants wear a mask whilst exercising as a mask can reduce the ability to breathe comfortably.
We have not implemented a formal booking system to register for club rides at this time, however it is imperative that group size MUST NOT exceed 6, and that each group has a ride leader in order to be conducted safely and in line with regulations. Notwithstanding that there is no formal booking system in place, members who wish to ride must indicate their intention to do so via the relevant Whatsapp group, so that the club is aware of expected/potential numbers, is able to ensure each group has a leader, and in order to avoid an illegal mass gathering at the start of the ride by staggering start times if necessary.
If there are more than 6 participants then sub-groups must be formed and these sub-groups must keep at least 50m apart at all times - the distance may need to be increased based on prevailing traffic and road conditions.
The Ride leader (RL) must take a register of all ride participants - riders must not change group or sub-group during a ride.
When assembling for the ride on Old Ettington Road social distancing must be maintained and consideration given to passing pedestrians. Everyone should assemble on the opposite side of the road to the footpath.
To minimize the risk of a large number of riders assembling at one time
Mountford to assemble in time for a departure time of 10:00
Dene to assemble in time for a departure time of 10:15
Hastings to assemble in time for a departure time of 10:30
Riders should aim to arrive no more than 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Rides will leave on time and will not be able to wait for latecomers.
Ride leaders should brief the group on the proposed route and if there are any planned stops where the group will have a short rest safely but maintaining social distancing.
When riding, updated guidance allows 1+m mitigations to be applied. This means that members may ride 2 abreast if they wish. The mitigations are being outdoors and being side-to-side (avoiding face to face contact), both of which are achieved in group riding
When planning the route the ride leader may wish to consider stopping points where the group can safely stop to take a break whilst still maintaining social distancing.
In the event of a mechanical issue the rider should have the necessary equipment to undertake a repair. If assistance is given ensure basic safety precautions by wearing surgical gloves and if social distancing cannot be maintained a mask may be worn in this scenario to give 1+ m social distancing, or facing away from each other or side by side with minimal verbal communication. Ensure breaches of 2m social distancing are kept to a minimum. Soiled gloves/masks should be stored in a sealed bag and hand gel applied once finished.
In the event of a medical emergency ensure all necessary aid is given to a casualty but again care should be taken to minimize risk of Covid-19 transmission by using mask and surgical gloves where possible.
Groups considering a café stop are advised to co-ordinate with other groups to ensure no large gatherings of Wellesbourne Wheelers at a café. We recommend that RL/GO checks with the proposed café to ensure they are happy to accommodate a group of cyclists. If visiting a café ensure the café guidelines are adhered to and social distancing is maintained at all times. Updated advice may mean a face mask must be worn when ordering food if the café is part of a shop or if the café has deemed it part of their safety measures. We suggest you carry a face mask so you are prepared for this eventuality.
- Check you are "Covid fit" to ride
- Max six in a group
- If more than one group maintain minimum split of 50 metres